Rename Yuletide to Christmas event

ofc, i don’t expect vetex to make jesus canon at all but the idea that he’s canon is funny

True it would be kinda funny, but he’d be some kind of powerful wizard or something like Merlin and not a god

Y’all seem to be completely ignoring the fact Jesus was born a hundred years before magic was human accessorible

oracle jesus

I don’t think the gods are gonna be giving spirit weapons to someone blatantly spreading heresy, therefore there’s only one option left

(This is a real statue)


Except for the fact that historically the Christian figure Jesus of Nazareth was a real person. The contention is whether or not he’s truly the son of God. So given that the Arcane Universe was the same as ours up until 100ad, Christ had been born and was crucified c. 30-33ad.

This line from the Lore Doc of history being the same, also means that other religions such as Judaism, Islam, Hellenism, Buddhism, the Egyptian religion or Kemetism, and various other religions and cults would have existed. So again the question comes up about what happened to these religions, and I acknowledge what Vetex said, about people just abandoning their religions cause magic is just that cool. However, it would be more likely that religious zeal for religions other than Hellenism would have skyrocketed. As sometimes when people believe very strongly in something, empirical evidence against that belief can send them searching even harder for a way to debunk the aforementioned evidence.

I could see many practitioners of other faiths, acknowledging the Hellenistic pantheon as powerful beings, but not truly gods. Overall, while yes in the AU there is a definitively true “religion” in quotes, cause I can’t remember if the Olympians and others are actually worshipped, other religions should still exist simply due to human psychology. That’s my take on the matter anyway.


106 replies over someone’s complain about the event’s name being too original. Surely I cannot pass it by without increasing this number by 1 for fun.

I second
(108 now)

It’d be kinda cool if people imagined their gods into reality.
According to Terry Prachet, gods die when they no longer have worshippers. So why wouldn’t it work the other way around, especially in this universe with a force specifically existing to create stuff?
So yeah, some dude thought something up, told the others about it, they believed real hard into it and accidentally summoned an omnipotent being into our reality.

real footage of religious zealots trying to discourage greek followers (colorized, Y112)


balance magic paladin

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