Renown being reset again


Finally I can shed all my fame because deckhands are free

Honestly i just want it to be re-placed with a monthly bounty board reset. It makes it others who dream to get the titles basically in their grip now if they try and not gatekept by goods builds/“combat loggers”, etc.

But since these are actually rare titles and u know the dev, gotta be a set rep to actually obtain em, say 1mil?

If you manage to get the badges byt got kicked off lb, youd get “former” titles of it instead so people who ady have those titles dont need to gatekeep lb, also dont forget the gear (as vanity)

I would say remove the system of lb badges but already to late for that ngl

(You dont have to maintain the place for entire months, you get the place and you get the titles and badges, account wide unlock title until youved reached max level.)


Former for Bounty, Fallen for Fame, Retired for Navy and Assassins


I don’t think fallen works for fame at all. It moreso implies they became evil, such as how demons are fallen angels, which can just not be the case at all in the case of reputation. I think they should just be former like the criminal reps.

oh no.


Kicked off the fame/bounty leaderboard from a reset or something similar = “Former” + title you got. Ex: “Former Tyrant” or “Former Saint”

Kicked off the GN/AS leaderboard from a reset or something similar = “retired” + title you got. Ex: “Retired Commander” or “Retired Lord”

Retired for Navy and Assassins

if it affects the navy and assassins, that’d just gut their banks

cause i’m friends with a person in the navy and that bank is pretty damn big, plus with marines and assassins only being able to get a bigger bank with only rep, there’d have to be a new system put in place to account for that change

??? I’m talking they’de get this title after loosing their rank, so they would loose their bank anyways

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Former for bounty AND fame makes more sense imo

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I am not sure how expected this one was gonna be but from what I see there were no rumors of a renown wipe this patch

I really don’t care though, like said before the only reason to get renown other than personal goals is getting reworked, maybe this will mean the first few days would be more chaotic but it should generally reduce the amount of people killing for renown since there’s no reason to get it anymore

You can safely say renown goblins really only do it for the sake of it now

thanks for reminding me about the title.

Someone should make a suggestion about this


In a shocking turn of events, the people who decided to pay in order to reset their renown are actually the ones who suffered from this change

lb players are just the arcane universe’s version of sisyphus really

That’s why I don’t bother with fame

Fame has and always will be just a number

i actually feel like bothering with fame after this update

–and also regularly revisiting the game even with high fame
no intent to get on lb, I just see it’s just seen as a display of your prowess

making it purposeless has just reduced it to a number to show how (questionably) good you are at the game.

also i can go bounty for a bit and get abolitionist before returning to fame
so i have the cool badge like most of the members of my clan do

Yeah, except the titles it’s now useless, it serves no purpose and should get delete NOW!