Repair Hammer Rework

Repair Hammer Rework
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making the hammers cost as much as a shipwright repair would effectively remove the point of shipwrights existing. You can just heal it any time for under 500 galleons.

Which isn’t a bad thing but it HEAVILY lessens the usefulness of shipwrights, effectively removing one of it’s best features.

I feel as if a nerf to it’s overall galleon drain would be preferable, but not to where it costs JUST as much as a ship repair. Gotta give the shipwrights THAT one edge over a repair hammer.

you end up in situations pre-dark sea update where your ship almost sinks?

why do people keep thinking I want repair hammers to be cheap???

I literally said, in my example, that it should keep the exact same cost for repair as they do now.

what’s this mandela effect BS going on where everybody thinks I said something about making repair hammers cheap?

honestly the only change i want to the hammer is just allowing us to hammer off-ships too. it’d be funny.

isn’t that what the upgrades already look like? base hammer repairs 25 for 3 and the next repairs 50 for 6 which makes it faster but the same price.

well yes but 50 per repair is a solid nothing and its going to be even more nothing when the brig releases.

so add the silver hammer and double it again
100 for 12 approximately 120 swings for base brig heal

ok so my ship has 7k hp and I’m calling 50 per repair nothing
what exactly changes when my ship has 14k hp and the hammer repairs 100

it takes less than 3 minutes to repair from 1 hp if its 2 seconds per repair. And you don’t need to repair all the way, just enough so the ship doesn’t blow up after touching a rock.
Its not viable for pvp or sea monster fighting so you’d only repair when you get a break.

and 50 per repair with 7k would be the exact same time as the brig with the theoretical silver hammer.

so 6 minutes to fully repair your brig from 1 hp in the darksea using the bronze hammer, of course you wouldn’t let it get that low.

hammers are great for after combat.

erm akcshually its called the nimbus hammer because the bronze hammer is named after the bronze sea :nerd:

But for real I think a numerical repair hammer and a percent based repair hammer could both work. If there will be repair hammer upgrades in the future then percent based repair hammers could have a numerical healing cap that prevents them from healing more than that amount (e.g. heal 5% per hit but can’t heal more than 500 hp per hit), thereby allowing for upgrades.

If the issue is that repair hammers are too strong and replace shipwrights, then maybe repair hammers shouldn’t be able to repair past a certain threshhold (either numerical health or percent health). For example, maybe repair hammers should do percent healing but can’t repair past 10k hp to encourage going to a shipwright or healing via other means.

I think repair during combat isn’t an issue since you can’t control your boat while doing it. A simple fix would be to force the ship to stop moving while repairing. But my crew repair idea during my list of QOL changes suggestion fixes this for the most part, while also letting you move your boat while repairing. If you don’t want players to repair their boat right infront of the captains wheel and immediately go back to combat when they are done/occasionally fire a cannonball or dodge attacks, you can make players repair specific parts of the ship to make them move around, perhaps into danger if the player is in combat.

then why isn’t it called the nimbus shovel but the silver shovel.

umm idk… maybe the shovel wont have any progression after the golden shovel.

just look at the shovel power. there will be at least one more upgrade that instantly unburies treasure in one click.

me, bonking the head of the wanted criminal that tried to jump me

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absolutely hilarious.

Call me an idiot or a doughnut or whatever, but I agree with this rn. I’ve been only in a few situations where my ship was really low health and I wasn’t able to get to a shipwright, at least not quickly, and a pirate ship starts attacking. The hammer repairs things so slowly that a barrage of cannonballs undoes all the work instantly. If I ever find myself in a situation like that again, I’d at least want my ship repaired quicker, no matter how much it costs, so I don’t have to deal with the bullshit that comes with having your ship sunk. Whether it’s because you have sealed chests and cargo aboard, or you just wanted to go somewhere but now you are stuck in the middle of the sea and have to reset, it’s not fun to deal with.
Also, some math for this bit:

5000hp/250hp per hit = 20 hits to regen all your ketch hp. 20 hits * 30 galleons per hit = 600 galleons to repair all your ship health. Quite expensive imo, though I think a shipwright might charge slightly more from experience. Not sure though.

it is the exact same cost to repair as using a hammer as they are ingame right now
50 repair for 6 galleons.
250 repair for 30.

This would remove the challenge of the dark sea
You don’t need to focus on that good stability if your hammer literally is faster at healing than the rough waves are at damaging.