@Zel cool guy overall dont know what to say, never had a bad interaction (or many in general)
@Cat_Bread cool because cats are cool
@DRobinHood nice forumer and usually has pretty fair points when talking
@StarForDays same case as drobinhood ^
@TheNotSoFriendlyBird i dont really know you so here is a participation award
monkey see new forum trend monkey do new forum trend
i need to test my ego and how much im hated for saying ill strangle people when they are horny
I was going to call you funny but naw. You are based for saying that, 10/10 forumer have the Based Trophy
i remember that being a good thing so
Letβs see what happens.
@ThatAsianInTheCorner pretty cool shitposter
@quest5 dont know you enough to give a review
@Faust probably has been made fun of for being suncry, seems cool
@Ultimate one of the more chill forumers, relatively nice person in general
@jubileesucks cant tell if you are shitposting 24/7 or are stupid like me, but anyways its funny and you are cool
youre stinkier than macobre