Trade closed

I finally got the items im looking for! :smiley:

let me know if these items are worth it for my sw chest and leggings i did earlier:

  • 12 Legendary Scales
  • Sunken Iron Chest and Leggings
  • 2 DSE
  • 20k Galleons

This isnt worth it even with you adding 20k so unless someone is really desperate for sw stuff then i doubt youll find a trade

well i dont care, its worth to try :man_shrugging:

the closest offer i got was 10 scales, ensnaring, 2 dse so im sure someone will do it eventually

not kool

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If thats the closest offer you got then why do you think someone will add a sunken iron chest and leggings? Thats close to doubling the best offer youve gotten so far

Youre still free to try ofc but like i said i doubt youll find a trade

Idk cuz sometimes I get lucky that someone will overpay for my stuff like yesterday, I got a blasted arcmancer hat for just 2k galleons

in game trades are usually wildly different from forum trades tho. In game, people sometimes offer the craziest of overpays but such overpays are basically never seen here on the forums. Gl anyways tho

Right, I forgot forum and discord trades are different

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I already got 8 Legendary scales and the sunken iron chestpiece for my sunken warrior chestpiece sorry!

Finally bro, now ima start a luck 5 party soon

Can I be in it?

Uh I charge people 2 legendary scales :man_shrugging:

People pay that much for luck parties?

Idk lol, I made it overpriced so no one wants to join

I can solo it and fish secretly in the dark sea without people hunting me

I shall hunt u

You can try but there’s a huge chance you can’t find me :slight_smile:

full sentence

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