Rise of a new Deity: Thunder God PvP

meh not as bad

like who tf uses magic orientated conjurer LOL

I would once the level cap lets me have 150 weapon minimum
Although this is still debatable since I want to try Triasta with Shadow imbue to see what effects it might have.

Warlords with Focus and Schimitars (maybe even vindicator)

and I thought they couldn’t get any gayer


Me: I use a 150m/100w lighting Conjurer after replacing my sand conjurer. It’s seriously busted and the old weapons when fully upgraded do the same damage as fully upgraded Iron weapons

Warlords are absolutely the folks to kiss homies goodnight
(i am the said warlord)

Also with next updates, our damage will get better AND we’l be actually be able to use Q move on the halberd


Crim, I thought you were better than this.


Do you not care for your homies bro

I do but you care for them in the most not okay way possible

No, much sooner. 60% magic Conjurers, Warlocks, and Paladins will get Pulsar when the level cap is increased to 135 (Pulsar unlocks at 160 Magic, this comment seems to imply that it unlocks at 180 Magic).

Understandable, however, if you had read who I replying to you would’ve realized I was using their example of the level cap being 150. Although I didn’t directly reply to them with that last one so it makes sense why you thought I was implying that conjurer/warlock only get pulsar at higher levels.
Level ~134/135 minimum
Level 200 absolute max; you WILL be able to get pulsar at this level assuming a 40/60 split (magic/non-magic stat)

dead thread :frowning:

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