Running in PVP

Yeah but you only have to stand still for a second and even then the range of sense is near infinite.

cool you can also sense where the dude is and juke them much more easily.

it’s still 100x a better system than just giving gmod murder footprints and making it so you always stay a certain distance to the hunter basically.

My guy these changes are staying WITH sensing.
It’s only gonna get worse from here :sob:

do you speak english or not. i’m talking about the sensing system being better than that, and that i don’t really have a problem with that system, only a problem with these systems that are gonna be added soon.

more like 20 or so minutes

you seem to care a lot about running from bounty hunters

if you are getting bounty hunted, that probably means you have high fame. If you cant fight back, you dont deserve that fame in the first place. People low on the food chain get low fame, simple

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? you can get randomly attacked still and will. also i fucking farmed the fame because i wanna get fucking ship deckhands (different problem but why the fuck are they so high for like 2+ stats), if bounty and fame was only for pvp then yes please, do what you want, i wouldn’t care. but it isn’t.

i personally don’t runaway from bounty hunters, but as i said multiple times before shitty situations (cringe metamancer/5v1’s) would just be annoying.

basically my point is that bounty and fame shouldn’t get tied to pve stuff if vetex apperantly wants to completly make it for the pvp sweats.

Why can’t we just have the reputation system anymore? Like it worked for a reason, and we get to eat our cake and have it too, just use “fame” as a good guy’s bounty.

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do people forget fully grinded 60fps level 125 vs fully grinded 60fps level 125 is not the only pvp interaction in the game

people don’t use bounty and fame as an incentive to pvp, they literally just want to pvp, setting yourself to neutral doesn’t stop you from getting jumped in ravenna

the real solution would’ve been to make moves that are stronger for catching people than for running away but apparently we just need to make every situation an instalose for the weaker opponent :exploding_head:

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He’s not you’ve been over reacting this whole time improve at the game :)))

honestly imo running is a part of the game, and you didn’t really experience the game without it :)))))

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Not for solo ganks

When a player that wants to PVP joins the game, it goes like this:

DM every max level in server “1V1?”
Chances are they’ll all decline or maybe one or two of them will accept

if they all decline, the player goes to the bounty board and looks for players nearby to attack.

tbf I will attack literally anyone that is max level, I just wanna PVP

I take pvp in roblox games VERY seriously, I spent the last year of my life playing aim trainers and World of Magic to prepare for AO’s launch. I have over 1000 hours in AO as of April 24th 2023 and I have over 10000 player kills. My goal in life is to become the best AO pvper in history, I kill dozens of gen 5s daily with my meta build (that I change every update to stay competitive), when I kill them I laugh, when they run I laugh and upload it to youtube so others can laugh too, when I die I call my friends. If you don’t pvp then you don’t deserve human rights and definitely do not deserve internet access to play online games so we, the pvpers, don’t have to share the same space with casuals (non-pvpers (noobs)). Content, story and other non-pvp updates should be pushed back in favor of the balance changes and pvp updates so we, the core playerbase can enjoy the game. If anyone here is interested in joining my clan, the Celestial Union of the Nameless Theory, then leave a message here (no casuals, only for pvpers, you have to complete our combat trial to join, more details if you successfully complete the trial).

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You’re just outright wrong when it comes to the idea that only high fame players get bounty hunted—nearly EVERYONE does. I’ve been bounty hunter five times on one profile, and my fame never exceeded 22k. Not only that, but I lost every single fight, not everyone has the time or the PC to “git gud” at PVP. Besides, in almost every update, there will be a nigh-unbeatable meta build that’s about as fun to fight as pre-particle changes Elius.


I take pvp in roblox games VERY seriously, I spent the last year of my life playing aim trainers and World of Magic to prepare for AO’s launch. I have over 1000 hours in AO as of April 24th 2023 and I have over 10000 player kills. My goal in life is to become the best AO pvper in history, I kill dozens of gen 5s daily with my meta build (that I change every update to stay competitive), when I kill them I laugh, when they run I laugh and upload it to youtube so others can laugh too, when I die I call my friends. If you don’t pvp then you don’t deserve human rights and definitely do not deserve internet access to play online games so we, the pvpers, don’t have to share the same space with casuals (non-pvpers (noobs)). Content, story and other non-pvp updates should be pushed back in favor of the balance changes and pvp updates so we, the core playerbase can enjoy the game. If anyone here is interested in joining my clan, the Celestial Union of the Nameless Theory, then leave a message here (no casuals, only for pvpers, you have to complete our combat trial to join, more details if you successfully complete the trial).

I take pvp in roblox games VERY seriously, I spent the last year of my life playing aim trainers and World of Magic to prepare for AO’s launch. I have over 1000 hours in AO as of April 24th 2023 and I have over 10000 player kills. My goal in life is to become the best AO pvper in history, I kill dozens of gen 5s daily with my meta build (that I change every update to stay competitive), when I kill them I laugh, when they run I laugh and upload it to youtube so others can laugh too, when I die I call my friends. If you don’t pvp then you don’t deserve human rights and definitely do not deserve internet access to play online games so we, the pvpers, don’t have to share the same space with casuals (non-pvpers (noobs)). Content, story and other non-pvp updates should be pushed back in favor of the balance changes and pvp updates so we, the core playerbase can enjoy the game. If anyone here is interested in joining my clan, the Celestial Union of the Nameless Theory, then leave a message here (no casuals, only for pvpers, you have to complete our combat trial to join, more details if you successfully complete the trial).

well now that option 4 is gone (running away from a fight if ur agility is high enough and dodging skills are good)

you can either

  1. fight back
    a. to the best of your ability
    b. get a good fight in
    c. be the most cancerous unfun thing to fight

  2. reset
    a. don’t want to fight and or know ur gonna lose anything just reset. be petty about it, starve them from any actual fighting content from them other than them seeing the funny number increase that probably has lost meaning at some point.

  3. server hop
    a. this can be done immediately after #2
    b. manage to not get hit at all (somehow skill issue on the other guy ig ;-; ) and menu