Sacrifice a forumer

internet tomfoolery


the copypasta arose because the elly person made this ridiculous reply to @lucky_303 so in response we turned it into a copypasta

smallest internet overreaction

no you deserve this



Using my awesome psychic powers I predict this will result in a necrobump

Oh god

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bro I had to middle click and drag my mouse to the bottom of the screen to get past that scrolling was not cutting it

I think the Moyai copypasta is easily one of the longest ones on the forum

I should probably not post that again, it’s for special occassions fr


I left for 30 minutes
What in the arcane fuck happened here

A copypasta

My phone screen was filled with gray for a solid 10 seconds

Well I’m not using a phone so I have no weakness :sunglasses:

look man I tolerate you sometimes but there are days where I wish you’d fall into a pit of punji sticks left behind by my grandfathers and uncles back in Vietnam alone and without any means of calling for help as you slowly rot away unable to free yourself.

today is one of those days.

as polite as I try to be, some fucker like you has to be oh so fucking annoying and irritate me so much that I simply cannot see them as another human being and rather something that exists to be a living nuisance that needs to simply cease to be

Sandal what the fuck

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@Raimon_Xhu get sacrificed lol

a copypasta rivaling the bee movie script