Sacrifice a forumer

I’ll sacrifice @SkittleSnakes1

You stuck your head in the sand when I showed you some math problem

Also my friend’s reaction:

as you try sacrificing Dreamkeeper i shoot you in the head toji style and throw you down the volcano

is it cuz vetex is hot?

Duh (no homo)


I sacrifice @Midnight , I know they want off this forsaken forum anyways.

Forgive me.

Diddy alarm is going off

sounds like COPE.

Also no, it was you who was deluded to think some math problem that you assigned AU names to actually applied to lore, whilst I showed you actual examples of lore…

Don’t let those words out of me!
Imposter’s amogus about to speak!

I’m sorry, friend. But in my defense, I’m probably doing your sanity a favor.

Are you? You forget there are forumers in the volcano too.

Some being oddly specific forumers at that.

There’s a difference of intent.


didn’t realisticbanana post that one time

How has nobody chosen to sacrifice @divanochi into the volcano yet

he’d love that shit bro is THE TOP magma glazer

it’s probably because he would be immune

I don’t think divanochi is mortal, he’s just an omnipresent entity that haunts the forums

as a magma savant owner (Fay Hart) I can confirm magma is pretty fun to use

(well I mainly just beam spam but occasionally a well timed placed explosion or blast helps a lot too)

High heat!?!?!??! YESSIR!