The biggest problem with AO’s PvP is that we’re taking the problem of Open World PvP and Patching it instead of discouraging it.
Regardless of what changes happen, as long as it isn’t discouraged and the penalties of engaging in it arent resolved, this is always going to be a problem.
people arent discouraged from killing random people/PvE players and i think thats a big part of the issue
Whenever kingdom allignment comes out i think something could be done about that… something like killing people (outside of roughly equal hunts) would lower your rep substantially with the kingdom you killed them in, cause in-game you basically did first degree murder
besides the possibility of getting hunted down by their clan or friends (unlikely and wouldnt stop them) theres not much of a deterrent to attacking evidently pve players
we could make it easier for pve players to run, or make it harder to pvp players to attack people, but i dont think the problem will actually go away until theres a proper deterrent against ganking random people
tldr instead of trying to make the problem easier to deal with we should try to get rid of the problem
You know i’ve never understood Vetex vetoing balances, if i’m not wrong, he doesn’t have any clue regarding PvP, probably PvE but i am sure that he has no clue in PvP, at most he knows the metas but from word of mouth.
Do you know anything about that?