Sand Elemental: The Oasis Crab

lmao, you’d be right at home too

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yeeeeee :sunglasses:

n o . m o r e . s e r p e n t s

Vultures live in a variety of habitats and are still more associated with the air or death/carcasses than sand.

Snakes also live in numerous habitats and aren’t primarily associated with sand very much.

Yes, crabs live in many awuatic settings but you’re still sitting on sand on the sea floor, as well as multiple species living their lives completely buried amongst / dependent on the presence of sand.

The ink hydra looks cool af
RIP ink, you shall be remember
By no one


You should read its Bestiary Entry

Ink Elemental: The Hydra

@TheSandCrab is this your wife?


aquatic =/= sand, the vast majority of the ocean floor isn’t really sandy
by the same standard that you can say “as well as multiple species living their lives completely buried amongst / dependent on the presence of sand.”, you can say the same for snakes on sand

although yes crabs are commonly associated with sand, thats just a preconceived notion!!!

So they’re equal contendors (but what of vultures)?

Anyway, I just wanted to do an oasis on a giant crab’s back. gottee

that makes even less sense!!! crabs hardly live in deserts!!!
an oasis on a beach doesn’t make sense in the first place!!!

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le crabe



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rest in peace, paper, ink, iron
and gold elementals

well… gold and iron merged sooo congratulations?

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metal elemental is needed

I’m honestly hungry for crabs now

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Nah, I’m just going to keep them split

This thing went to its crustacean in a pinch hehe.

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h e h e

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