Scrapped AA ideas

Been looking for another image dump/link to this thing. Thanks.

Thanks, again.

so where that 1/16 virus

Oh so that’s where the acid samurai in the webtoon was from.

here(it’s a horrible fucking idea and i will dislike vetex if he ever so thinks of adding something like this)

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gonna quit AO on the spot with mecalepsyia gets added

Unless its coming with the dark seas

me and the boys after we all get mecalepsyia (we have wood magic)


mecalepsyia sounds pretty cool tbh

wonder where he eve got that word from

I love harping on Injuries being planned, but dear god at least they aren’t whatever Vetex was cooking in AA.

Is it bad I unironically kind of like these? They’re at least more creative than injuries.

i mean, they’re cool, they just shouldn’t affect gameplay as much and should actually have reasons to be added.

some great ideas and most horrible ideas, sad to see vetex doesnt have ideas anymore

live vetex reaction:

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Poison magic has had enough and has decided to evolve into a monster :poison_magic_var1: :rage:


no one’s getting 1 billion bounty


Ship stealing sounds glorious for goofing off and epic chases.


maybe as a unique death animation when you get killed by elemental attacks rather than disease

the idea’s cool the way it might be implemented is god no

huh nvm its in the accepted catag… lets hope he doesnt forget about this already lol

It’s in the adjustments card of the Trello

coraline was pretty good except for that one scene