Seafood opinions

I like sushi, salmon, and shrimp, along with a bunch of other fishes. I don’t like crustaceans, always had a bad feeling when eating them (had a pet hermit crab.) Never really had any other seafood, but I do wonder what squid & octopus tastes like.

I tried a tuna casserole a week or so ago. The thing was so godawful that it made me shudder.

Kinda on topic, my pet shrimp just died, he was the best shrimp I’ve ever had…….


We have this really strange class at my high school (oceanography) (it’s an elective) and in it we had like a side assignment to take a tank with a group of 6 and essentially create a fish tank ecosystem. (Fish we either caught ourselves or bought) My friends and I went to the beach in an attempt to catch something and my friend responsible for getting a net got something really stupid and advanced none of us knew how to use, we caught nothing, it was cold and miserable and if we ever had to survive in the woods I guarantee we would starve. We wouldn’t ever attempt to catch anything again and our tank had nothing until one fateful day the teacher would send our group an email stating that he had put some critters into our tank. That day we got a shrimp which I named Stuart and also a fish dubbed the name “Jerma”. The fish also died that day but that’s beside the point. (It’s assumed Stuart ate his dead body so we can assume he loves seafood too!!!) This shrimp was absolutely tiny and impossible to see, he was actually fucking clear I’m not joking. (Probably the size of 2 finger nails) EVERY SINGLE DAY because of this assignment we had to hunt him down like a hardcore version of where’s Waldo and document what we saw him do. Feeding him was like feeding schrodingers cat half the time. Was he dead, who knows! eat up buddy! (Sometimes we would go days without seeing him) This cycle continued for 3 months and miraculously he survived for this time. It was until today we had to drain tanks where we were required to transfer this shrimp that he had a seizure AND DIED. WE HAVE GENUINELY NO IDEA WHAT HAPPENED. HE WAS SWIMMING FINE AND THEN HE STARTS “tweaking” (as one of us said in the moment) AND THEN HE STOPPED MOVING. WE DONT KNOW WHAT HAPPENED AND WE ARE GRIEVING IM SO SADDD :sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:

This is sadder than most anime deaths im ngl

I know…

I only like Salmon, Shellfish, and cephalopods (So basically like half of all Seafood)

its nasty

I love all seafood except for shrimp because the texture is weird and it gives me stomach aches.

I like the clams so much and the large shrimps

I like most seafood yeah.

I don’t enjoy crustaceans or mollusks that much though. I mean they’re ok but I still prefer fish. The flavor of mollusk seafood is a bit strong.

I like seafood but it makes my mouth hurt and incredibly itchy (I’m allergic to fish :sob:)

Seafood is pretty fire even if I’m allergic to shellfish :<

Just gotta suffer through the pain for that taste

Im so glad this forum genuinely gets it, only like 2 people voted against seafood

Seafood is great

I like sashimi and nigiri, particularly with raw samon, tuna and prawn
I love prawns
Oysters and crabs are nice
Cooked fish in general is nice

I don’t like squid though

yum yum yum seafood yum yu myu

Herring in oil with some vegetal my beloved

My parents’ friend said that he has a coworker who is allergic to shellfish but loves it, so he takes Benadryl and then eats a bunch of it.

this is literally the decaying winter mindset:

-take so many stims you basically cannot feel anything

-proceed to do something normally really not good for your general wellbeing and safety but survive anyways because you’re so juiced up on meds

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