Sebastian_Banks' Arcsphere Collection

From the logic of code, removing lines of code is better than adding new ones.

From the logic of people, recent changes also made arcanium items give different stats. Its not like I am against drip, but it is already annoying that everyone use light ram because of its speed (which feels unbalanced to me). Now imagine if every arcanium item will be abused to make new metas and etc.

3 main points :
1. Most likely more healthy for code.
2. For balance.
3. For lore reasons.

Huh? Adding a system for Arcspheres to always convert including current ones is clearly more complicated than making an item untradeable (like Relics)

Sounds more raw. + At this point all arcanium items that are obtained by Vetex will be untradeable forever. + Nobody knows how exactly each magic’s arcanium items are seperated in code, that means its may be basically unreal to make it untradeable without making all arcanium items untradeable.

So… its really depends on Vetex’s code, which we didn’t saw.

im so sorry :sob:

  • Don’t forget that system looks better than million exceptions lying around code.

RIP his collection :sob:

Can I borrow your balls

nahh I read that

took you too long to delete it

Delete what


I had a typo twice

I’ll do more than just borrow your balls if you don’t stop laughing


Your balls

A million exceptions? There would be only one. And anyways, whatever the case, making Arcspheres auto convert is dumb and favorizes certain magic against others

Sure that following your logics, someday there will be million exceptions.

I already told you about light ram being meta. I am sure that nobody will choose light magic just for the ram of their ship (unless they are insane).

If people will use some kind of magic just for the stats of their armor, then probably they are going to meet problem of being bad at using certain magic with certain playstyle or other issues like nerfs which will make people delete files every update instead of just drinking interchange.

But it is still better than 75% of community using arcanium armor imbued with 1 type of magic, just because its meta. To use this meta, they will have to slightly ruin their file atleast.

If you don’t have anything better than “auto convert is dumb”, then let me just go sleep. This arguement went too far, you will keep your position and I will keep mine anyway.

rip i traded 3 arc-spheres for his sunken helmet that got to suck

No since there’s no other items that need it, maybe 1 or 2 more at MAX