Second game for sunken iron legs + 1 armored + 1 agile + 1 brisk + 1 powerful + 1 hasty (ENDED)

I should give myself a tool that spawns balls

noooooooooooo pls noooooooooooo have mercy on us plsssssssssssssssss

I sent you a friend request

when i made this post (right now), it’s 9:46 am

Tbh i already got a tool for that, the chance of even surviving it is a zzz 0 percent

Gonna start it once i get home (30 minutes?)

I have to get off in like 10 min tho

it’s 7:51 at night

Buddy sleeping at 8pm its over

no but I can’t play video games after 8



Whos ready for the fall.

Uh so im guessing no one showed up…

*Wins by default :mariomug:

I am the default winner. Because no one showed up they all forfeit to me.

I’d be bias and pick goopman

give me that agile scroll!

ok gl guys
I will be in here for like 1hr!

ball thing - Roblox

if nobody comes by then I leave!!

Diablos has won the game!



1st. (Me, I actually won without using any commands LOL but they saying it don count because while I was at it three karma balls got stuck :sob:)

Still waiting for the real winner.

uh so can I still play or does is it over