Self Explosion Should Clash with Projectiles

In the current meta self explosion is not viable at all, it is the most easily punishable move in the game and has no viability against anyone with half decent mechanical skills as they can simply triple blast you as soon as you cast the spell (which will do much more damage)

If self explosions were changed to clash with projectiles this would greatly increase their viability in PvP (at least for magics that have decent clash rates) allowing players to greatly decrease the damage of a close range punish while being able to possibly output greater damage back.

This would not only make self explosions viable and useful in PvP but also make Slow magics that rely on clashing like Earth, Crystal Iron and Gold viable as well.



. Makes Self Explosions viable in PvP

. Indirectly buffs slow magics which are still not viable for PvP

. Integrates a system in which clashing would actually be common and useful

If anyone who can make suggestions agrees with this it would be a big help to make an actual suggestion post about this with your own thoughts because i don’t have the perms to do so yet and Vetex will probably never see this idea if it doesn’t

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this was already in the game way before the first open test

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Spoiler, you leave a sphere which protect you from projectiles after using self explosion

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this already happens, except the protective sphere doesn’t stay there for long, maybe about half a second

It already is bruh, you should experiment first before posting like this.

idk what you guys are on about, i have been testing this and i have yet to see any of the effects i described, if it is a feature in the game already then it should be buffed

it does and it doesnt need to be buffed clashing just usually makes the projectile smaller till 20% in which it just disappears. The only times that it usually doesnt even at like 100% is like paper with fire and plasma

it triggers the clash you just need good timing. as far as i know it only works for sphere

no it works for all of them, every single explosion is capable of destroying projectiles