Trading Forceful level 60 Sunken helmet!

Not enough I’m sorry :weary:

what should i add then?

Do you have any other rares or sunkens?

i have a sunken sword but that isnt for sale… i have some amulets and hikerss backpacks, plus enchanted iron armor

Try to add something spicy as an oath

i dont have any boss drops ;-;

Yeah clean ss is worth about a powerful sunken lol

what? i am trying to trade for a clean sunken helmet. what is an ss?


yeah as scallions said, this is a huge underpay for clean or powerful sunken helmet, if you really wanted either I suggest you offer ur clean ss

for a sunken helmet!?

That’s if you really wanted it, but otherwise ur underpaying by a good amount

would it still be a underpay if i was able to add a boss drop?

look at this list, somewhere near the bottom shows how far apart forceful and clean/powerful are

click the link, it’s really weird as an embed

yeah it is

wow is a clean sh that expensive? sheesh

it is lmao

“trying to trade for a clean sunken helmet”

sry i dont knwo trade values very well

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