Selling sunken warrior pants starting at 25k

Lol those pants would be a W for 25k

i know

How long have you been playing ao?

played about like 1.5 months after release so pretty much when it released.
i del the acount i played with

intresting. What would you offer for a pumpkin fedora?

idk i dont want one

i could give you a bunch of sphaggeti i dont have many valuables


Ha saw SPAGETTI meme

i am the one in this photo

i glaze my spagetti

POV: when your on boat chef cooks a meal for 400. Me: :rage:

Me trying to cook it: :explosion_magic:

what you mean a meal for 400?

i dont have a cook

400 hunger


I have been 1 up’d :0

you must now accept life and enjoy the rest