Send me a vetgame character and I’ll drop my bad takes/headcanons on them

  • dibs on bi (once again)
  • fem
  • ironically remus
  • prob other fighting style teachers
  • none yet
  • kraken drowned her ship.
  • underrated + wasted potential tbh

Arielle Salore because I will never get over the now forever left to be forgotten storyline mages of WoM

unironically cannot believe there’s any r34 of her yet


dacien and/or aurielle

The Exiled. :hungry:

Line such as where Theos said he was getting too old to fight Durza, and his age being just 16 years off from the typical age of death for the most powerful of wizards (He was 984 years old. Wizards live up to a maximum of 1000 years)
And he also gave us his gauntlet. He clearly was going to die.

yep that


here's the fucking answer

nobody fucking cared for her
it’s just an npc that removes your fighting style
it’s not like she was all that important or anything

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