She's gone

not when someone gets banned for doing nothing other than existing online

We’re not taking about no reasons being posted but rather a lack of imaginery/proof showing what the user did (in the ban message). Users shouldn’t have to search out the forum for answers when someone is banned, the website should provide it.

bro same

Vetex if you don’t mind me asking. Why are you keeping inferno. Someone who blocked a man who tried to report joshiba for being a child predator a mod? I mean I get he left now but you kept him a mod for what reason? The guy instantly deleted the proof of pedophilia for forumers and blocks people when they come directly to him about it. What’s up with that?

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Anyways, let us start with the breakdown, the second I’ve done so far because people think X is innocent and didn’t deserve to get suspended.

Spamming off-topics posts in many topics

This is self-explanatory.

general trolling, general drama, great amounts of toxicity

Falls a little under the off-topic type, as for the general drama, it is brought by a topic that got very heated due to shitposts no longer being allowed, or at least being counted as spam.
Also she posted this nice, little topic rip bozo m which is full of pure, unadulterated LOVE.

in certain situations and advertising unrelated stuff to Vetex’s Games

Yes, there’s a rule for stuff like this, no I’m not everywhere so I can’t moderate every single message, that’s why at least you folks could use the flag post and ease our job.

As for the advertising of Discords, they are still related to Vetex’s Games in some sort of form: a discord for the forum? Sure that’s allowed.

Advertising games? Hey, people want to share their opinions, what’s so wrong with that?

But here we go, here I shall explain why she was at 7 points instead of 1.

Because she got silenced for three months, by someone whose authority surpasses even Metapoly’s for some hot, nice drama.

Also she posted unintentional NSFW content and something that broke Rule 5.

Satisfied? I hope so, now you guys know what happened.


not the drama topic getting even more drama added

Thank you.

Damn, the developer is indirectly helping a pedo? Daaaamn :eyes:

i dont have anymore like so

How bout you fit these nuts in your mouth :rofl: :rofl:

Fr tho ion give a shit what’s goin on rn but it’s funny

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May you close this thread now? I just wanted to poke fun at the situation but I guess this is the forum community we’re talking about.

I’m actually alright with this activity let’s continue a little longer

Me waiting for it to get closed now

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bruh if i ban someone for being retarded im not gonna go through every post and take screenshots of what they did lol no one got time for that


I think everything has been sorted a side.
Srtolerus and Vetex, you can go into a DM or something to talk about what you want.
We can get this closed down now.
As for Jubilee, unsure.
But yes, please put in some context for the ban messages, images or something.

Jubilee doesn’t even care anymore

And deleted, nothing happened citizens, students go back to your studies, glory to the vetex communist party

I mean forumers insult each other all the time lmao, why is this one any different?



damn I guess she did sort of deserve a ban

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Images can’t be put into ban messages, most we can do is links, and even those are difficult because I can’t put 50 whole links in a ban message.