this lacks red arrows, red circles and a few big low quality images of White Eyes
will add give me a minute
ah yes, a lesbiab
messages at fighting style teachers for some reason:
thanks nicky for the calvus image
Frauden the curse fraud letting you and iris get jumped
Hey man those pirates are pretty scary
Everyone in the Mc gang is a fraud
we have
potential guy (has potential, but still a fraud)
dot spammer (doesn’t actually do enough damage to make the dot worth it)
the exploiter (doesn’t want to instakill people in fear he might get banned)
absent father figure warren (makes you do tasks, barely talks to you, says you’ll understand once you get older)
neviro (highly resilient, that’s about it)
Warren is the only non fraud but he knows the fraud antagonists aren’t worth his time so he gets the fraud character to deal with it for him
do not.