Shitposting Odyssey

Okay listen, I was referring to just beating them to death and then resuming to pummel them into dust, nothing that deranged.

I may be a crackhead mage who’s probably caused millions of dollars in environmental and property damage but I have standards

sounds about right

Those same 3 people every time 0.00000001 seconds after lore is posted:
hello there
(this isn’t a diss or anything I just think it’s hilarious how y’all just spontaneously manifest there any time something appears in the lore tag)

:water_magic_var1: “hello there I am an element in any game with elements”
:acid_magic_var2: “IM WATER WITH A HIGHER PH LEVEL”
:water_magic_var4: “I’m what you find in an average kiddy pool”

Hate to break it to you but acids have a lower PH than water

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This is wrong for 2 reasons:

-Acid is not water.
-Acids are significantly lower in PH than water is.

Source: I’ve done way too much personal research into my magic than what’s considered normal :sleeper:

bro is the magic mathmatican

help. my brain is offline.

get your chemistry game up, kid

Morden is edgy.
He edged so hard he gained the Death Curse.

Totally did not steal that one)

Bro forgor what the ph scale was

“Morden is edgy”


Morden: “I dun wanna kill :frowning:
MC: beats the living sh-t out of someone out of spite

…Which one is edgy again?

ACID(aq) + NaHCO3 or Na2CO3(aq) ⟶ H2O(l) + CO2(g) + SALT(aq) or (s)


just because something makes water doesn’t mean it actually is water.


says the glass of water

stomach acid has higher Ph than water, we’re just gonna say acid magic comes from da stomach

meant lower dang it

he what