Shitposting Odyssey

I need more beef between magics like this

said the shadowtard

yeah, a good magic with good stats but no synergies vs a bad magic with a single miserable and bad synergy

shouldn’t you be trying to find a second good point to why your magic is good?

Well I mean most of the “flaws” you put on your slander page aren’t correct sadly:


-I dunno what “0 good points” means
-wood has good size and good damage, if not higher due to bleed
-those 7 “mid” heat magic synergies are far more than sissy virgin shadow could ever dream of, and that’s not even every synergy wood has.


-unlocking your second magic is easy tho


-glass doesn’t get anything special and it’s only redeeming quality compared to wood is that it’s faster and makes tiny shards, but it’s still good by community standards so why is wood any worse?

-also rooting enemies sounds kinda unbalanced considering a built in slowness potion would be too OP even for shadow’s unfair standards

TL;DR: shadow obese wood pulls bitches gg ez

the only bitches wood be pulling are stoners ngl

I mean, :acid_magic_var1: does have a synergy.

why would i need a single synergy if my raw damage output in 1 minute is higher than all damage you dealt through your whole playthrough


that’s the funny thing

it isn’t.

because bleed tick makes wood do overall more than shadow :joy:

also acid is just shadow if shadow actually got laid, and unlike wood, it’s a lot harder to make fun of. (acid conj is meta)



so real


well at least acid is on the based end

(which is scientifically super wrong but who cares)

I like how wind is just kinda in the middle

Acid is like Wood’s only friend but only because of pity

is wind supposed to be in the middle because it’s kinda special needs

kid named heat magic
kid named sand
kid named poison
kid named ice

heat magics are Acid’s friends, wood just has synergies with them because Acid is basically a heat magic too

:wood_magic_var1: “I don’t appreciate this disrespect”

:acid_magic_var1: “I can taste colors…”

:sand_magic_var2: “this thread is filled with STUPID PEOPLE!!!”

:lightning_magic_var1: “hi”


:crystal_magic_var1: “I’m wind’s chaperone.”

:shadow_magic: “something’s in the way… uhmmmmmmmm”