Shopping list for the forum family

What’s my total cost

5 mill gold huh, I can manage that…

Plus for the rum and set for an extra 300 Gold

(Not including how ever much the hecate essence costs)

a cat costs nearly three thousand dollars?

Do you know how rare cats are in the war seas!

Can’t believe I don’t get a good measure discount

Beyond that btw, why is Hermitcraft the most expensive thing on the list? I could always just blackmail Xisumavoid

it’s just a safe bet

I did choose broccoli because I bought 2 once because I was surprised at how cheap I could get them for

Can I get 1 Iranian rial dinar (you can buy one for 0.00000024 USD)?

Ow, I thought the shopping list ended, well if that’s not the case, can I also get a container to put the curse in, like those containers in the curse action, oh, and maybe a curse compass :grinning:

now that i think about it i should add some things…

  • 1 time machine
  • 10 headless heads
  • 1 sunken sword
  • 1 sunken staff
  • 1 nocturne
  • 420 mangoes
  • 1kg adrenaline
  • 1kg noradrenaline
  • 1 nether portal
  • 1 end portal
  • 3 ultra jetpacks (build a boat for treasure)

Actually, can you get me a new sword, mines wearing a bit

ooh just a regular sword or a special one

unc can i get a jar a silicone figurine of morock (has to fit inside) :sweat_smile:

An average one, I can already imbue magic on it,

And nu uh

One Morock’s sword of fire please, canon version preferably

YUH HUH :speaking_head:

crazy how morock solos

I’m glad you finally accept the canon morock (aetheral flame morock)

crazy how i can tell you have some form of mental deficiency :face_vomiting:

if morock’s blasts arent white then it isnt right