Should paladins have access to spirit infused magic?

I’ve had this idea for a while now, and although it’s sorta a suggestion, I may as well say it to get it off my chest.

At the moment, paladin really just feels like a mage with less magic and slightly bulkier. There’s nothing significantly separating it from the aforementioned mage and honestly it just sounds like a shittier version of mage as of now. There’s nothing special about it besides the fact you get a small damage reduction, more hp, and less magic slots. :fr:

Which is why I want to propose spirit infused magic. This would basically be the same as spirit infused weapons, but, with magic.

Now we don’t really know how spirit based attacks and weapons will actually work, but assume this strange concept can be applied to magic, and paladins get access to it.

This makes Paladins in my opinion significantly more unique as a build overall, allowing them to differentiate from the mage class easier and possibly even grant them a whole new playstyle.

I know that vetex mentioned that awakenings are not final as of the time of writing iirc, so perhaps later, paladin’s awakenings might change a little. (the second one at least), but I think this would be a valid option to consider for paladin’s second awakening.

Feel free to share your opinions, if you don’t like the idea feel free to explain why, but don’t be a jerk about it, thanks for reading.

This whole thing could probably apply to juggernauts too, if spirit infused fighting styles don’t exist yet either.


Savants (iirc) are supposed to be very mediocre until mid-late game, I think it might be the same for paladins. Vetex likely might add something later to paladins, as they can probably manage themselves for a bit.

(actually on 2nd thought paladins are significantly less versatile than savants so I’d probably agree with your idea)


I think it’d be pretty sweet ngl. I always assumed each stat could flow into one another later down the line. Weapon’s you can only use with magic or fighting styles, fighting styles you can only use with weapons or magic, ect. So having certain spirit weapons which go well with different hybrid builds would be perfectly. Like imagine having a spirit katana which requires a certain amount of vitality and weapon points in order to being its full potential.

Idk im just spouting random stuff with the lack of info we have about them besides the name alone

I always imagined spirit weapons would have some sort of debuff effect on enemies at the expense of your own HP. Or use powerful attacks by taking your characters life forcem


yeah savants are supposed to be really bad for early game, but vetex said that they’re also planned to be one of the flashiest builds in the late game.

as for paladins sadly we have no idea as of now if they’re gonna be this flashy mid-late game but this idea is kinda meant to remedy that

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i too, love the idea of punching someone’s soul out of their body


Having vitality work with my main way of fighting instead weapons, unrelated to magic, sound much better.

I always wondered about spells that require vitality to use, like defensive spells, but this siunds even better.

I 100% support soul effects on magic over weapons, which i didnt invest into. (Though i dont dislike spirit weapons)

it would make warden pretty useless though
warden you get 2x more health than everyone and spirit weapons
paladin you get 1.5x more health than everyone + magic and spirit weapons?

thats actually how they work
you infuse spirit weapons into other stats

vitality hybrids will probably get access to spirit weapons, including paladins

that’s not what this suggestion is saying tho, we were talking about it
He wants spirit effects onto magic/weapons/fightign styles
not magic/fighting styles imbued onto spirit weapons

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So paladins get spirit bending while knights get zanpauktous sounds cool ngl

I assume spirit weapons/magic/fighting styles might be some kind of size/damage booster attribute but we’ll see


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