Show me your anime mc tier list

I don’t care, just as long as Ash Ketchup is in D tier

Fucker doesn’t even bother with type matchups and wins anyway, fucken deus ex machina…

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the fact that you Boruto at the bottom makes me feel the overwhelming urge to become your father just for the opportunity to say “I raised that kid”.

Too much detail?

Pokemon boring as hell though

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damn why is Naruto so low

inazuma 11 winning

Yeah so I literally put them based on how cool they look
I haven’t watched anime in a pretty long while and forgot most so I’m really reluctant to tier them based on my memory
Some may be miss clicked though

I only rated the ones I know and as you can see, I watch lots of anime:

does not include the Abridged Series I’ve watched since I’ve seen too many of them

well I mean it’s nice they added Yusuke but why not any of the JoJo protags

would include Ichigo Kurosaki in “Felt cute might watch later” but I couldn’t find him

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im glad one punch man is sometimes A or S tier on these tier lists

I mean he is a pretty great character hilarious too.

I’ve only picked the characters of shows I have seen and remember anything about the character itself

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Ayo why is Boruto in the same rank as Tanjiro

(don’t crucify me, I’m just asking)

boruto changed a lot from the start, up until recently, even now with the recent events in the latest arc in the anime ( which is actually good no cap ) so i can say that he’s a decent character right now despise being annoying as hell.
About tanjiro, I just felt like he’s REALLY average
You can describe him as the hard-working mc who lost everything and wants to save his sister being stronger and gentle.
But you’re right, I should have moved tanjiro up a little, his will to fight demons mercifully is not common and an appreciated trait.

S: Goku, Tanjiro, Saitama, Natsu

who?: everyone else

1 year bump. Anyways, revised for current year. Some of these I haven’t watched the entirety of (only watched a few episodes of things like InuYasha, Ruroni Kenshin, Cowboy Bebop and Code Geass), so I’m basing off of what I watched out of those.

Nothing that new for this list compared to least year’s one, outside of placing Gintoki into his rightful place.
Feel free to argue but Gintoki’s place is non-negotiable. He deserves that top spot.

also I accidentally put Mob into “haven’t watched and don’t plan on watching” when I actually wanna get to Mob Psycho 100 eventually
ignore that
also half of these aren’t shonens even when they don’t give us JoJo characters or Kenshiro. good work. They might as well have doubled down and added Ranma Saotome and Mio Naganohara to the list.

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Wouldn’t make any changes to the list except make like 10 tiers below D and put the Redo of healer MC there because he ong deserves much worse :pensive: :pray:

I havent finished reading Re Zero, so thats a bit of wh Subaru is lo

It makes me sad that more people havent watched Charlotte h

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