Show pics of paladin imbues

shadow but frien :pleading_face: :innocent:

i dont think this should be possible

Savant gaming

you could’ve had the closest thing to blue magma

why can I perfectly visualize it

black hole magic

Im curious about Lightning Paladins… (teal version) Im probs gonna make another file on that

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oh I am SO running this

(you think it looks better w/ normal wind variation?)

Water merciless looks kinda cool on paladin
not currently on pc so ill post pics later

wait a minute…

why does that actually look AMAZING!?!?

ive posted this silly goober on the forums like 3 times now

My friend’s character, not mine (although I will write stories about him in the future)

Ash Blast is very colorful, I quite like it.

Explosion has far more spirit energy than ash, making it look outright divine. You can definitely feel the god-power in this.

Spirit Blast looks super fiery and solar when imbued with Ash Magic. Quite beautiful!

Oh and here’s charge effects, hard to see because it blends in with the sand. Maybe I’ll ask for a better picture later.



shockwave explosion


multi blasts





It looks actually evil

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Kool aid powder water :scream:

oh yeah almost forgot

Friend already posted this image but theres a bug where if you swap from Paladin to Knight you still retain the special spirit colors, so I had a red Kai Sabre lol (No screenshots were taken of the effects unfortunately but you can already imagine it was just more red than it normally is)