So Arc sphere power got nerfed by 75%

My build is so dead.


Im trying my best not to say boosted

Everyone’s build got nerfed, no one loses lol

i aint saving my build here (its all over the place)

And that’s why I never used Arc Spheres in the first place

Only warriors got nerfed because other builds get compensated with exclusive armor

I can always replace mine with an arcanium bracelet :sweat_smile:

guess im switching to my vatrachos armor with powerful enchant for my build, worth the drawback tho :mordpathetic: (haha the powerful enchant was a joke, I DONT HAVE A SCROLL!)

If theres one thing I can get from this, atleast I can almost attain sub stat thresholds with this update

I assume that’s also getting similar treatment

Ehh switching it for a power amulet had a amulet slot left anyway

Is it? :person_shrugging:

ye it is

What is this though?

i think they’re comparing it to the arcsphere, not the bracelets dark sea update stats

warriors are literally getting nothing this update :disappointed_relieved: we better get some new weapon skills at least

bracelet got the same nerf to power, but the intensity was buffed a tiny bit

Atleast vetex has apparently said that he’s willing to add the 4th weapon slot for warriors :pray:

:joy::joy:its us (every warrior enjoyer) vs the world out here. We might get our booty holes played with in nimbus sea, but there will be better days

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