So… Cryo got something to say?

100th comment :hungry:

I guess.but still I will never be offered it so idc really just wanted to ask

I just realized I’m the most liked user without a colored name. Hope you’re sharpening your knifes :hocho:

This reply is kinda cringe

i liked that comment but took it away
you’re on #########

yeah i’d definitely accept

Nope, I would rather enjoy the release that’s full of content.

I would like tester
I don’t want to be overwhelmed by everything new, I get overwhelmed easily.
This would especially help for something like Arcane Log where I could record everything before hand but keep is secret, then release the information after AO releases, though not immediately if it this theoretical universe happens


congratz the feeds are great well deserved

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Thamk :nod:


you’ll also probably be better at the game than most people when it comes out since you’ve played it before

I can’t imagine that lmao

I’ll still probably be far worse than others

And now he’s just left the mortal realm. Alright. Okay. Perfectly normal. Yup. Yep. Yup.

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Cryo really did just Speedrun the forums


lmao mod too

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