So @jubileesucks got the ban hammer

I still have no clue who this is or why they’re important


Who is jub and why there is such a drama about him

Just a random guy. I think it’s just because of the ban reason and the last message he left before than.

Lemme think.
From what I know, Jubilee might’ve been a pretty respected/ known forumer. She has over 296 days in total and for some reason acts like a meme but in a good way that doesn’t really annoy others. So, you could just say it’s like the Rb1 or some kandy ban moment.

For a moment, I didn’t really think Jubilee was like this until time passed on, which she became more toxic to people. But some just didn’t seem to care and Jubilee was basically just a joke. (In a good way)


she was a bitch
she was the best bitch
end of story go piss on her grave if you want i don’t care


anyways before the thread gets locked I’ll just put this here
I’m gonna be next If I continue making exaggerated, clearly satirical death threats and shit


not if i beat you first :sunglasses:

like literally or figuratively

No, don’t begin




reminder that i wasnt the one to give the 3 month silence
i didnt even ask for it

but why did they get suspended

because she kept bitching and vetex came in

They were chill though


Sure they were sometimes cringe at times but most of the time they were chill. Most of their things were shitposting and I don’t really see why someone would get suspended for that.

every response back was harsh with insults on how we’re crybabies ruining their fun

They weren’t that bad