So some guild overtook Suncry

couldn’t we get the high ranks of the guild banned for that?

Rank 2 day 2 boys :fire:

alright don’t hunt me this was rollout phase

i have never heard of that guild but i like stars so they must be cool

Nobody cares about the leaderboards though(except for stinky no lifers!). After being on it for a fair couple of weeks, getting off feels way better. I don’t feel like I have to grind anymore. It’s a much more casual way to play the game.

The only Leaderboard clan I respect is Maplestorm’s one, but that might be because he would ban me otherwise.

day 2 rank 2 is lame, what about day 1 rank 6

me after spreading information that puts a group that is not liked in a negative light, without providing a valid source because the forumers will eat it up as a fact:- :yum: (the source is it was revealed to him in a dream)

Also move this to clans

i helped pristine’s clan in a clan war against doge nation while being in my own friend clan

it didn’t turn toxic so that’s good, but i still don’t know how to feel about be able to just kill someone without them even knowing, feels somewhat unrewarding
also doge nation has a cool icon but why the fuck did its clan leader deside to go all in on the doge stuff on everything EXCEPT the icon

“jawa, this doesn’t have anything to do with suncry”
shit, uuuuh
every leaderboard clan is the same :smiley:

also yeah we should get this moved to clans

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i think i meet two of them, one had fame and the other bounty, the one with fame came randomly to me and said “L”, later i found his friend, which would had been real nice to try to defeat him, if the fame one didnt use his ship to block me

it’s lonely at second place

they lost the custom Discord invite link

i hope every clan burns to the ground that takes it that serious in any way. none of them know the meaning of fun.

Ngl it feels strange having not having CC and suncry battle for #1 now

to be honest its fair for you to assume its misinformation
i dont dislike nor like suncry whatshowever, one of my friends just happened to be in constellia and told me so ig take his word with a grain of salt??? I trust him and theres really no reason for him to lie so i took it as true

oh ok i’ll believe your friend 100% just pure trust frfr :fire: :100:

surely the only extremely obvious reason isnt trying to drag down the reputation of their rival guild isn’t it

Also unrelated but my suncry friend told me that high ranking constellia members exploit but there’s no reason for him to lie and i trust them so im going to spread this rumour fact around the community

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i mean if thats what you want to believe then go ahead, i dont participate in either of the clan anyways so

yea same even i dont participate in clans i just like spreading things my friend told me as facts around the community :speaking_head: :fax:

never stated they were facts

but you sure did make people believe it was real without disclosing that it was just hearsay from your friend and you probably would never if you weren’t asked about the source