So the Queen David Silver model looks cool and all. But why are people being so down bad about it?

I touch grass daily though

stop the :billed_cap:

no cap

Sorry but us forumers have to wear a cap when going outside or else the sunlight will turn our skin into a raging inferno

nah bro you have a DBZ pfp, you are in a guild, you have discord, you use AO fourms, and you play AO
grass isn’t even an option to you grass simply doesn’t exist

can’t relate :cold_face:

forums when multitasker exists:

multitaskers simply do not exist as well

you’re talking to one

you aren’t real

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exactly, can’t even respond because im right :sun_with_face:

oh shit wrong emooji

lmao ok

Its 2022 we simp over pixels

I despise mountain dew, tastes like piss. And I tasted piss when I was 5. I would know.

What kind of fucked up childhood is that

Diet Mountain Dew is better than the normal Mountain Dew tbh

Though I don’t hate either of them

dont judge I was curious