Some random AO questions I can't find the answers to:

Just some random tidbits of info some people have told me but I have never had it confirmed by others/confirmed on the wiki, some are questions, others are just random “facts” I have been told that would be nice to have some of you cross check.

  1. Does Wood really have some of the strongest interactions in the game? I see on the trello it has plenty of high % damage buff combos but I don’t know if the trello is outdated as the wiki contradicts this.

  2. Is the softcap for power really 75? (As in, it starts to greatly diminish in value.)

  3. How does Intensity interact with stuns? Is it even worth investing in intensity at all if you are playing a stun build?

  4. Magics like Lightning and Light have bad Modes across the board in all areas, power, resistance, speed, destruction, all are not as useful as heavy magic modes.

  5. Paralyze is a bugged status effect and occasionally doesn’t even work.

  6. The One type of Server that doesn’t tell you where it is, is located in South America.

  7. Is Ax-Slash the least customizable move in the game?

That’t it. Just some tiny nagging questions that have been at the back of my mind that I’ve been too lazy to ask.

pretty sure this is being fixed, idk about any of the others

It does, just not much

I’ve been told at least

Trello on magic stats seems to have updated itself slightly accurate to the current way things operate but it’s best to just look at the recent balance changes from the doc that implemented. Doesn’t list light’s self synergy at all yet.

As for the wiki i don’t really use it at all so my trust/experience with it is non-existent so i can’t speak much on it.

Not sure myself but it does hit a point where “why invest into more dmg when ur dmg is more than fine as is and u could invest it elsewhere.”

People tend to just aim for 65 and call it a day and invest elsewhere as there isn’t too much incentive to go past it from what i have briefly observed.

No idea, sorry, i mostly used intensity so far for the giant magma puddles and burn dot of fire eventually.

Id imagine it’d not affect it too much since vetex did clamp down on stuns when doing AO and i dont know of any balance doc changes that delve into stun’s relationship w/ intensity.

Depends on what you want out of it.

Light’s power mode would’ve hold true as being a bad mode type, but it got a dmg buff of .825 to .85 which is funky. So power mode might not be too bad of an idea to use.

Aside from this the only good mode was speed tbh and the only mode i used for light as there wasn’t any point in using the other modes as they aren’t my focus.

(Shameless plug and outdated channel name that i’ll probably get around to.)

Lightning is in the same boat as light but it always had power mode be reasonable to use from the jump unlike light. Power and Speed are the go to and the others can just be left alone cause there wasn’t much point in using them. Doesn’t fit the overall play style and personality of lightning.

From what i’ve seen from my experience ppl it isn’t the case as i’ve gotten paralyzed rather often when fighting a sailor fist warlock and plain lightning mages.

No way to confirm this on my end but it’s plausible.

Don’t really pay attention to how many customizable options a move has too much but it potentially could be, i’ll probably check when the update drops as im not in the mood of playing AO atm.

All i can personally answer off the top of my head and what is in memory.

Edit: Updated the yt i had to be up to date with my current self which probably should’ve been done awhile ago. Added a playlist of old videos that are unlisted if u want to view them there.

Not sure if it’s buggy or not since I’ve seen it mostly proc on a sailor and lightning build

Yeah, the Trello’s synergies are very outdated. All the 20% and 30% synergies wood has are actually 10% or 15% (for synergies with status effects <= 5 secs it’s 15%, with status effects >= 10 secs it’s 10%).

I’ve no idea how reliable the wiki is either though, I don’t really check it often

From what I’ve heard, Power and Defense are the only stats that scale linearly (which if I understand correctly means they don’t have a soft cap but I might be wrong). Other stats scale logarithmically and if I remember correctly they kiss the soft cap at around 70 or so

I asked Meta and apparently intensity does affect the duration of stunning effects, it’s currently bugged for imbued stuns though but it’s getting fixed. No idea if it’s worth investing into, but I imagine that it would scale worse compared to regular status effects and I’m pretty sure the balance team is gonna put a cap on the duration

Interesting, I thought they’d have good speed modes at least

I know there was a bug with paralysis not ending that was fixed, not sure about this one though

Interesting, I’m pretty sure roblox doesn’t actually have South American servers (despite this vetex still added support for it to AO for when it’s eventually added)

Other than weapon skills i think so

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