by working or getting clams in shore of islands and selling
Become an Island Merchant to gain invulnerability.
Somehow make it to the dark sea hoping it will unlock my mind or traumatize it
Liberate with gun
step 1 : get obsidian glass magic (I’LL MAKE IT MYSELF IF I MUST RAAAAAAH)
step 2 : get shatter magic
step 3 : imbue it in my fists
step 4 : punch mountains into ruble
literally die as the universe makes my being collapse since i have no magic inside of me (gg)
Since we have no magic we would have to get either a curse or a gun to be able to survive a level 4 pirate.
no magic energy
become argos/toji
unsensable rahhhhh
Argos uses magic energy in his attacks (weapons take magic energy)
wrong he just swings it REALLY hard
(literally his fighting style)
So I dont?
argos born not having ability to use magic
mc can magic
Nah he is just warrior on awakeing
and if he had magic he wouldn’t be OLD
avg mages live 200+ years
argos is like 80
Wait wasnt warrior that class with all stat loints into weapons?
warrior is max weapons
warlord is weapons/strength
having no magic knowledge doesn’t really mean I don’t actually possess magical capability, I’d first want to find out more about myself and from then on decide the best course of action.
No magic? aw well. I can always learn weapon skills or train up to learn something like iron leg. Assuming vitality is also something that can be taught or learned through some form of scroll or practice, then you know I’d be turning into a warden in a heartbeat, I am the vitality mascot after all.
If I do have magic, I’d probably want to be a paladin. mage is kinda too 1 dimensional for me and I’d wanna have some diversity in my skillset while also being extremely tanky.
Not another isekai man
- get slaves from ravenna
- become a supercurse user
- harem
- loser