Sonata Redesign

Even though that is a female she is very…how should I say this….daddy material- I mean handsome.

That’s a lot of scars . Cool redesign, but eventually she’ll go through the Acko torture once again :sob:

Cute enough

Same. Sure, New Sonata is fitting given the amount of ass she kicks with Iron Leg, but I’ll never forget Old Sonata.

RIP Old Sonata: 1800-something to 2024 :pensive:

In Ravenna, you bully Sonata.

In Советский Вимир, Sonata bully you.


An interesting redesign… The warlock class change is great, though.

As many of the others have said, it is a bit of a shame to see the old Sonata design go, but she’s fuckin’ cool like this. Alongside, of course…

Still got that softened side. Now that’s a well-rounded personality.
And I don’t get why everyone says she looks like a guy - a slightly closer look makes it clear she’s just a very toughened woman

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It’s primarily to do with body ratios. Even when extremely athletic and muscled, most women have more mass on their lower bodies than upper bodies. Also, Sonata here has a ribcage wider than her hips, which results in a more masculine-looking build.

This is why simple shape language can sell the concept of masculinity and femininity. Even in more diverse bodies, you’ll find trends of proportion. For example, most people will automatically see one of the below figures as “a man” and the other as “a woman”, despite them both being literally a circle and a triangle.

Some real life examples. The blue lines are where the hips are widest, and the green shows the ribcage. Note that while the shoulders and lats tend to be wider than the hips, the ribcage itself generally is not.

Of course, it’s possible for an individual’s body to vary, just understand that for most women—even large, athletic ones—their proportions aren’t quite like that.

Sonata also has next to no breast mass here, which is accurate to how most women with that much muscle looks, as breast mass is literally just fat. Hence why most women in extreme sports tend to have little if any chest. That said, seeing as Sonata was described like…
… before, the radical change may be throwing some people off.


holy shitana

Cool change. What’s her fighting style?

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I’m gonna miss her old hair

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Hm, good point.
…But even then, those attributes are (somewhat) apparent in Sonata’s design. You can see how her legs widen out a bit more than her upper torso does.

Speaking of that…
Her arms are literally tree trunk thickness wtf no wonder people are being thrown off

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Basic Combat :nod:

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I approve :+1:

holy moly guys…
personally, this redesign is way better ngl keep cooking

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