Spellcord Unofficial

no those are all the jump ults (lightning and shadow iirc)

sorry i didnt realize that it was temporary, try this one


Yes it was inspired from AA’s “Lightning Annihilation”

The description is a little off but that’s okay

Oh wait nvm no it’s perfect

i like this one

me stunlocking my opponent with 3 guys made of fire all m1ing the other guy to death

We NEED magic-exclusive abilities
Here’s some ideas for scrolls:

Reflector [Wind]:
Summons 1-5 bolts that follow the cursor and lock onto projectiles. If any projectiles are present, they are aimed at and knocked back to harm the caster based on their relative velocity. (Depends on the caster’s knockback and the projectile’s weight.)

If no projectiles are present, this spell locks onto the enemy and knocks them back with low damage (blockable).

Magic Wall [Solid Types]
Creates a customizably-shaped wall of Magic Energy placed by the user, blocking all incoming damage from in front of the wall. It passively drains energy at a speed which can be lowered at the cost of increasing the amount which the user’s energy drops when the wall is hit. This wall falls once the user reaches 0 Energy, or when taken down.

Tidal Bend (Water Magic):
If near the sea, creates 1-5 tentacles which splash down on the enemy consecutively. Causes quite a bit of end-lag, but gives damage reduction which can be increased in exchange for lower damage. In the Dark Sea, this becomes more powrful, and gives each tentacle a chance to trigger a random effect.
[Captain Maria drop? Perhaps a full-set special ability? That would spice things up…]

Flashbang/Shroud (Light/Dark Magic):
Creates a ray of light/darkness which consumes a lot of magic energy, but conpletely obscures the view of the enemy for 3 seconds.

True Thunder (Lightning Magic):
Fires a ray of lightning into the sky, creating an orb of lightning after a few seconds which drains magic energy rapidly. After a few seconds (or when triggered), this damages the user greatly with a bolt of lightning, but chainbolts onto all nearby enemies, dealing great damage and inflicting 2 second paralysis. If no enemies are affected, the user gains a large damage boost for 5 seconds.

Spirit Burst [Vitality-Imbued]
A pulsing burst which acts as an especially large aura appears, dealing damage to yourself with each pulse unless an enemy is in range; in which case you are healed based on a fraction of your damage output.

(By the way, these would all be considered Ultimate Arts.)

vetex is NOT doing allat, the point of scrolls is so that any magic can use any spell
translation: no fire magic exclusive spell grrrr :rage:


Heat Wave (Heat Magics):

  • Places an energy-consuming, pulsing orb of magic energy which clashes heavily with snow, water, and ice magic. Heat magics gain small boosts in size and damage per pulse, and enemies in-range are afflicted with low levels of the magic’s effect.

Eh, why not.


Magic requirement: 150

  • A short/medium range spell that conjures a blade like construct out of the user’s magic that can swipe in various directions according to the user’s preference in spell creation, each swing direction causes the target to be knocked into that direction.

  • For example, a glaive spell that’s been set to “downwards” will sent the opponent plummeting downwards.

  • Desgined to be used primarily by warlocks or other hybrid magic classes.

  • Has an average cooldown speed and deals average damage.

magic requirement should be 160 fr cause javelin is already 150

Join the server and open a ticket to place suggestions

surge and pulsar already share the same magic requirement of 240 so it’s not impossible that it could be made to work the same way