Spirit Energy & Tucker Idea/Headcanon/Mad Ravings of a Lunatic

(TL;DR at the bottom)

So I thought today (a dangerous thing I know,) but basically I was thinking about Tucker and Spirit Energy.

Now what do this two game concepts have to do with each other? In game absolutely nothing! However, in my rotted mush of a brain? Everything.

It’s been a headcanon of mine for awhile now that Tucker when being experimented on by The Order, was chosen because of his mastery of Spirit Energy (SE). I like to believe that he was an amputee before The Order snatched him, and used his SE to manifest a new limb for himself which basically worked like Edward Elric’s automail (He was able to transform it into weapons and what not.)

However, this wasn’t the idea I had today, though it is related. So ghosts right? They appear in the Dark Sea and are the manifestations of lost souls given form by the Chaotic energies that permeate that mutated nightmare that encompasses 90% of the planet. What if with enough SE one could become a free spirit, unchained from both your body and the Dark Sea.

I don’t exactly have a name for this concept other than potentially Cognitive Shadow (another reference to Brandon Sanderson, but it’s the closest thing I can think of to what I’m describing.) Basically with enough control of SE, a Legacy (as it was confirmed only Legacies have access to SE) could potentially act like an Olympian’s spirit where one can persist after death without a body floating around the world. Obviously you can’t reform a new body, as that’s reserved only for Olympians but you could communicate with people and possibly still hold some influence on the world.

So what if this is what happens to Tucker? After, The Order kill him whether it be through some accident while escaping or deliberately with a cannon ball or something, what if Tucker detached his spirit from his body to keep his consciousness but not his form? What if after Morden obtains the Death Curse he becomes more attuned to the Underworld and is able to see such Spirits? What if this is a way for Tucker to actually be in the story rather than getting fridged before our player character even wakes up?

TL;DR: What if Tucker was a Warden, and was able to use his Spirit Energy to pull his spirit from his body before his death and ends up haunting and accompanying the party through the story?

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Not exactly what I had in mind, but surprisingly accurate. I say this, because I imagined them still retaining the appearance they had when alive just colored a light blue and transparent like Soul Energy… which still somewhat describes Minos. Hmm.

nah, we all know tucker is a child of zeus and was a very strong warden build
now that his body is decomposing, it releases all this spirit energy in the form of the infinite storm above dawn island

I honestly belive that when Warden will be added, either:

  • Morden will give us Tucker’s spirit weapon
  • Or we will find a spirit weapon from the first chest we open (which is lame)

With the way Vetex and Tech described him in the QnA, it seems that they actually didnt write much about his story aside from being the dude that died in the beginning and were special in the same way as Morden and MC. So I kinda doubt that they actually had any plan, at least in the current rough planning, to incorporate him in the main story. So in the grand scheme in things, he might be irrelevent (sadly).

They did say though that Tucker may have been even more special than MC and Morden, since he never made it.

About ghosts… I feel like you might be misinterpreting what ghosts are. Theyre not exactly caused by the Dark Sea or chaos per say. People have souls in this AU, and there’s an afterlife (Underworld). The ghosts in the Dark Sea are likely just lost souls that never make it to the Underworld. You’d imagine itd be hard to get knowing you are literally located in the Dark Sea or Chaos infested areas.

So basically, everyone becomes ghosts…eventually.

Though, I do like the idea of MC and Morden encountering some ghosts in the main story, bonus points if they see them better than others due to their goldy heritage or something.

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“I assure you that Tucker was very memorable to the MC and Morden.”
“No we’re not going to tell you Tucker’s story”

So I do agree that everyone becomes a ghost eventually, but I still feel like the Dark Sea or Chaos do have something to do with it. After all, the Underworld has been sealed off so no souls are getting into there (This also technically means that Elysium should be inaccessible as well considering it’s part of the Underworld, but for some reason I don’t feel that Vetex will address this.) So what I think happens is when someone dies, no matter how they died their spirits make their way or are dragged to the Dark Sea or other haunted areas like Akursius Keep. Both of these places have had close contact with Chaos, and as a result ghosts are able to manifest, using the lingering energy as a sort of ectoplasm to give themselves form (before Ghost Busters ectoplasm was thought of as a smoke like substance, similar to how we see ghost in AO.)

What I think could happen with a Warden (and it would have to be a Warden, because they have the control over their Spirit Enregy) would be able to resist this pull lingering as Spirits in the Sea Clusters similar to how the Olympians, like Poseidon, do. Now, they would probably be harder to summon than an Olympian spirit, but someone who’s in touch with the spirit world like say the Death Curse user or as you suggested a powerful legacy could be able to see them much easier.