Spoilers in update threads

tbh, I feel like vetex should blur the patreon photos more if he wants more people to buy it, it’s not that hard to see what’s going on in this.

Vetex made the grave mistake of using cinematic mode and not blacking out the Roblox logo, it’s in the top left of every image.

it’s patreon automatically blurring them, if he manually blurs it then actual patrons wouldn’t be able to see it clearly


I’m not going to start an argument, but why do you agree if you don’t do it yourself..? It seems, illogical.
Though now I realise that I should have sent this in a direct message instead of a reply, I will do better next time.

It’s already been done and did. I’m not the one who starts it, no point in going with it if it’s not being gone with.

they’re already spoilered, people are only allowed to post the images with the blurring that patreon does to non members

It’s not enough, it’s a spoiler, it just looks like I need glasses.

I think you meant blurred, because I don’t see any spoilers in the forum posts sharing the patreon sneaks that were poorly blurred by patreon due to the posts being public.

I have to agree… I absolutely enjoy the patreon peaks but it definitely spoils some of the aspects.

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spoiler as a verb can mean the same thing as censor, spoil without the er is to spread spoilers

The point is, they would like if the full picture was hidden behind a summary section or something effectively similar

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Can we just make it loosely against the rules to publicly spread any form of patreon images outside of linking to them, telling people where to find them, or privately messaging them?

Might you please back it up with a source? I am failing to find an identical definition of “spoiler”, unless you considered the warning of such a thing to be a form of censorship itself, which it is not.

Stocksounds try not to derail the discussion thread challenge

The hell did I do?

spoilering as in the act of using the spoiler command to blur out stuff

my source is i’ve seen the word used that way for years now, and warnings are usually also followed by censorship

I thought you got divorced


yeah I also have used it as such word online for years