Spoilers in update threads

Final reply on this unrelated and derailed topic; That would be the act of preventing people from being spoiled by providing a warning that would require a conscious decision to ignore (or simply a lack of awareness), something that can be achieved through a multitude of manners other than the blurring of such content.

this one isn’t stocksounds actually

fair, I wont continue the argument, it is off topic :sob:

I don’t think a single comment undoes that

also final reply; yea, and the verb for that is spoilering, as opposed to spoiling

Yeah that’s why I think it’s better when sneaks are posted in the patreon sneaks channel on discord

An easy way to handle this is to just do this w/ Patreon sneaks for RFAO in the future please.

Latest patch note as an ex:


It accommodates both those who don’t mind it the way it is by simply making them do 1 extra click.

And those who do mind they way it is by not having it right up in their face when seeing RFAO.

The blur from patreon is essentially the embodiment of “you tried” admittedly. It was even pointed out when they first came out that it was a bit subpar and how much info we can get out of them easily.

I can effectively make out the whole look of what Fort Castrum looks like outside of the exact precise finer details. Alongside other previous sneaks on the new Bronze Sea Islands.

Which dampens the surprise, and “new feel” of them but only slightly.



patreon needs better blurring, this blur effect aint hiding shit

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yo I’m pretty sure patreon isn’t “if you don’t want spoilers don’t look here” but “hi I need money if you give me some money I’ll give you some sneak peaks”

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I really do think there should just be no visual spread of patreon images, blurred or otherwise on the forums.

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Nah there definitely should be, but for people such as myself who generally prefer to wait for the surprise when the update releases, the patreon images should have the forum’s built-in spoiler tag feature applied to them for the extra blur, ensuring no detail can be made out.

A lot of people love speculating about what’s going on in the blurred images, and it’s perfectly legal and doesn’t break the rules of the patreon at all. Wouldn’t it be silly to stop people from discussing AO content on the AO forums (when it’s not an unblurred leak)?

Is’nt like…the whole point of Reminder for AO is to keep track of updates and spoilers for next updates?


I kinda agree to an extent, but since they contain valuable information about the update and “technically” aren’t against the rules I can see why people would want to post them in the thread

I agree, if people wanted to remain spoiler-free I’d advise them from avoiding threads dedicated to posting every piece of available information about the update.

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I’m 9% sure vetex doesn’t need a Patreon
(loadouts gamepass already gives him money fr)

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True, but there’s a very big differences between reading about the changes made to a story’s script and seeing actors play out its finished version.
In one, you build up expectation because you don’t have the full idea, while in the other, you get the experience itself.

By revealing patreon images (no matter how blurred), you get a part of the update’s experience of spoiled, something that reading a changelog won’t do.

Also, just as a general idea, RFAO is usually only about recent changes made to the trello and public announcements.
If I’m going to look at it, I’m not going to expect poorly blurred patreon spoilers.

AO anime series when(AA webtoon comic is the closest to a manga tbh)

100k robux = 30 dollars

good point

Damn… this pays like shit, I gotta plan out more ways to make moneae.

literally if not most all patreon posts usually get posted in rfao

RFAO is usually only about recent changes made to the trello and public announcements.