grandmas ashes STRAIGHT after cremation at 3000C
oh ok
I somehow didn’t see that comment, anyways that’s like saying Gold is the most efficient magic because it deals the most damage.
Poison DoT is not that good because it contains half the damage of the magic which is spread out over 20 seconds without the ability to stack over it. Good thing it has the cloud
The full damage of the magic*
Right. Still in terms of DoT things like plasma and especially fire are just better because if you cant stack it, at least the whole thing should finish applying its max dmg quicker so you can apply it again. That way you have more dps.
But that’s due to the magic not the status effect, this is a status effect tier list
Imagine Poison with .825 damage (Fire’s damage) with Poison’s DoT
I just use poison because it’s cooler then ash B)
I use it on a different slot not my main don’t take what I said earlier out of context
It’s not even so much the magic base damage as one DoT even while overall weaker delivers its full dmg 4x sooner (poison DoT is 20 sec and fire is 5 sec I believe). Even if fire DoT is like 35% of it’s base dmg it tics it so much quicker that it can overcome the op player regen and allow you to apply the next one sooner. So in a few attacks your dps would surpass that of poison’s DoT even if the dmg was the same. Maybe poison will be strong in tgr when they get their ultimate so that stretched out dmg over time can actually push through the player regen, you could do some good cheese strategies with that.
Burn/Scorch would have 20% higher dps if it hit within less than a second of the last DoT ending. Poison literally does more DoT in every other scenario…
As well as poison only being cleared by wind and having better synergies.
WoM pvp tends to be pretty aggressive in general so the scenario wouldn’t be hard to pull off. Personally I never felt threatened from Poison DoT (except when its stacked with a cloud) because it just feels like a regen stopper. It’s better than things like melt sure but I’d say burning feels way more like an actual DoT which eats your hp.
Yes it would
Because poison itself is low damage, the DoT is basically a x2 over 20 seconds
Burn doesn’t eat up your hp at all either, it would also be a regen stopper
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