Stellari’s Doodle Thread

Us request something weird? What? No never.

It’s not like a have female humanoid sharks, Sirens, naked statue Calvus (ngl, that one was actually well-done), and Iris in questionable poses as common subjects in the forum’s art.

Anyways, uhhh, maybe do some quick doodles of other people characters or smth? Idk.

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Noooooooo don’t cri please Noelle

She need hug?

No, the true way to solve it is murder against anything that ever slighted another.

It’s okay if you’re tired of AO, you don’t have to be stuck with one interest.

It’s your own doodle thread, a place where you draw anything you liked.

nahh i’m not tired of AO, it’s just school taking up my time as always lol
i doubt i’ll get tired of AO anytime soon

Hey, dont worry abt it, Ive been stuck in that phase for months, which is why I didnt sign up for a while… :sob:

Honestly, I dont think others would mind if it was just your character, I dont mind either

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That’s awesome to hear! I’m glad you are enjoying AO a lot!

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Maybe Warren. Idk just think it’ll be cool.

Uh, I suggest one thing for this:


k thx bye
(seriously I don’t think anybody is getting tired of seeing her; she’s your character, and she’s friggin’ neat)

she has to let it out at some point :pensive:

i just figured i’d draw more characters :,D i haven’t given the other main characters any justice lately
and plus seeing just Noelle in this thread could get boring after a while

Wait, I have an idea:

Draw Noelle (from AO) meeting Noelle (from Deltarune).


You just reminded me of the moment that happened on my character non-physical traits thread involving that comparison :joy:

If I could give a suggestion, maybe take a few of others’ MCs and draw them? :thinking:

I’d love to see what you could do with any of my six girls if you wanna do that lol

:sob::sob: i anticipated this day would come eventually

sure thing, just send a picture of the one you want me to draw ^^

Here’s my Sapphire Conjurer, Abigail Quill, a shy, awkward girl who loves helping others and has been through more than her fair share of angst and trauma (cough especially courtesy of General Julian and the entire Eternal Mines ordeal cough)

Plus a comic someone on Tumblr made of Abigail realizing, much to her horror, that she didn’t come out of one Dark Sea expedition unaffected by the rain (and subsequently beginning on trying to convince Edward Kenton that she’s fine):


shes turning into meth.

I’m sorry what :sob:

but in all seriousness, she got terrified real quick cause she knows the reality of what Atlanteans are and doesn’t want to become one and lose her humanity

huh??? :sob::sob: