If stock sees this I want him to know that I said thanks for giving me a second nickel
I just hope they don’t immediately go back to spewing concentrated bullshit and actually think before they speak for once
I have a feeling they aren’t going to learn their lesson
yeah probably. I think its gonna take a couple more bans until they start actually trying to follow the rules
I’m probably going to regret saying this, but i believe in him
man is not going to learn how to not talk without thinking in just 5 days
he isn’t exactly reflecting, he’s just more active on the wiki
he doesn’t have to. he can just continue to spit dogwater as long as he avoids sensitive topics
considering this exact yapping is what gave the mods a vendetta against him in the first place, i dont really think so
he cant learn his lesson when he is still insistent that he did nothing wrong
no… stocksounds… stocksounds would never !.. stocksounds… would… never… why… why… WHY !!
nandemo nandemo NANDEMO !
oshieteyo shieteyo sono sokomiwo
everyone hated him and this was the catalyst for his ban
im gonna keep repeating this
wait who was the first nickel
pov: stock when he gets banned again
he isn’t from the forums
wait what are the nickels for
furries i used to be chill with but did something I have deemed unforgivable
stock coming back onto the forums only to see everyone unanimously hates them now:
being honest though the forums without stocksounds are genuinely a lot nicer