Stop attacking people who are not informed about the game!

(dont know why this has to be said)
Guys please if you see somebody upload a video about arcane odyssey on youtube stop attacking them regardless of what they say it gives bad rep for vetex and his community :sob: . Please note that backstar has like 100+ people in his comment section trying to correct his thinking stop argueing back and forth with people who dont want to listen. The game isnt out and people are entitled to there own opinions


nope. im going to attack, harass, and bully everyone who hasnt read every patch note, seen every leak, and doesnt stalk vetex’s twitter 24/7

sorry kid, you didnt know how a feature worked and thought it was bad? too late, ive already posted your dox in 20 different discord servers.


i second this but im not joking

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but seriously did he dumbass not expect backlash? he called people slurs because they disagreed with him over something so trivial( namely selectorch and the people who replied in the comment)

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The thing is, you can’t just make a video ranting about an unfinished game you know next to nothing about.


he deserved it for these reasons mentioned

also any youtuber with a png/jpeg in their place “talking” for them

someone fucking said it

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send link to video?

can you sum up the video I don’t wanna waste 40 minutes

i didn’t watch it either

you know someone that did watch it?

bro is this guy fr he said the game is about jumping and shooting ur magic tf

insert weapon user speedblitzing selectorch here

ong this guy is retarded

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I haven’t watched it.

fuck him he needs a lineup

guys please the ao forums and vetex community reputation


Yeah this topic should be closed as well.


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