Strongest character in anime?

yeah but that was season 1 so I mean patrick was obviously shit

Giorno D. Giovanna

goku solos

fuck I misclicked

as of right now Goku would literally 1shot Saitama

in the future that might change (unlikely) but for now there’s zero comparison between the two

one can destroy universes while the other is maybe star level with a ridiculous fanbase

the absolute strongest anime character would be either Anos or Arceus, because of just how bullshit they are

I think Arceus takes the W over Anos though, since it’s implied to be literally omnipotent

he’s named caped baldy, actually

he used his full power against Garou and didn’t kill him (he literally states he’ll use his full power since Cosmic Garou can take the hits)

like it or not Saitama isn’t all he was hyped to be

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Galaxy level"
Pin on Guardado rĂĄpido

all visible star structures are within the milky way (without the use of telescopes) therefore star-large star level with massive range

galaxy would be impossible otherwise everyone would be and dead the series would be over

broly please its borderline multi solar to multi galaxy level

bro this is anime goku broke a panel :skull:

zero proof

also context matters too

wouldn’t blast say something if they suddenly wiped out like a hundred galaxies


your saying this is illogical but sir this is an anime

not the point, you can’t claim something that didn’t happen

:moyai: idk

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he was literally shitting himself at the thought of earth exploding, wouldn’t he die of a heart attack if galaxies started popping like balloons

the actual energy is galaxy level and of course i dont know if blast is up to date with powerscaling anyways but its been calced multiple times at galaxy level
Saitama vs Garou feat calc debunked to multi solar + : r/PowerScaling

this is the low ball

also garou’s reaction to a planet level attack (that only wiped off the gas on Jupiter and left the core unharmed)

if he was galaxy level why’d he be afraid of that