Syndicate / Creed is now disbanded due to the coming updates on WoM

They disbanded because of the upcoming changes to infamy? That doesn’t make sense


I will do me, I play how I play.

You’d understand if you didn’t have 0iq and checked the Trello.

F(10 Characters)

I don’t have 0 IQ and I already have checked the Trello. You had 2nd place on the leaderboard and disbanded your guild because you won’t be able to gain infamy from guild-less players. I just think you should have kept it.

Yeah, we cannot gain infamy from guildless players, I see around 3-5 Guild members in every server and they leave whenever I join. Also Syndicate was disbanded because we wasn’t able to change Guild names, ranks and icons so we made a new Guild to apply what we wanted.

that’s tuff.

But…you could try and see how it would work when the update drops…or maybe have more than 10 players! I understand your point though.

Vetex really needs to change this. Also, just curious, what were the guild rank names?
Wha-you just-changed your pfp again?

We changed our name to Creed, got disbanded because of the infamy change since it’ll be near impossible to catch up to Suncry or to the spot we previously held. Read it wrong but the first 2 top ranks were our titles, the rest of the ranks were just “Syndicate”.

Sorry I came out rude, wasn’t my initial intention.

Oh…that’s… an F

hey hey visan i have a slight feeling this might have to do with weapons geting nerfed into the ground

no (10 chars)


I can still dog on anyone in wom

litteraly everyone other then you say your trash now that you cant abuse weapons

yeah stop lying

Not me :sunglasses:
