T.H.E.O.S headquarters

Tbh lets name it something that opposites the grand navy, assassins syndicate, reputation, and clans


The children of mercy?

Im be bias
that sounds too corny for me

@DubiousLittleTyp0 get a cookie :cookie:


what about…

The ocean’s judges?

Trial of the Sea :sob:

lets try not to have “The” in the title
I feel like “The” in clans/guilds nowadays kinda ruins the drip of it

Cookie of the Sea*

YOOO that’s pretty fire

we gotta keep going tho

Vanguards of the ocean?

Alright, this name I found after looking up the definition which meant “holy” and stuff

Neptune Crusaders
these words Im trying to use have actual definition or facts about the actual word/object

Crusaders for holy
Neptune, just chose it because it had water and I didn’t wanna choose mid “sea” or “ocean” lmao

Cookie Crusaders*

Your grammar is of

honestly that’s pretty decent

how about

Neptune paladins?

Neptune Knights?

Paladins usually can revolve around “For the cause”
Knights usually revolve around “Being noble”
Crusaders usually reolve around “Being holy”

knights of neptune?

We name it the “Table”


we make KOS an acronym LOL

(well it already is one but we make it mean something else)

Lmao yes :sob:

Templar Table.


no reason