T.H.E.O.S headquarters

oh the misery

Sorry for your loss or congrulations!

Im inbetween you guys

I revive thy topic. Ngl I feel like Rayhan (Flare big announcement) - #66 by Flare-Chan

cool shot

hear me out shadow may be ugly but it has the best charging noise in the game

my Crystal Magma mage who stole everything calvus owned just to wear it


@Flare-Chan new target for u

I swear navy/assassin players are relentless against low levels like me, he wouldn’t leave me alone while I was farming merlot

talks like a four year old, he has no idea whats coming

Target neutralized.



bruh he added me :moyai:

Why are we both up so late tf :sob:

the minute you left he came LOL

idk Im tryna farm

Alright does he want me to rejoin?

nah let’s move on


Hi dubious!!!