TAITC does a sloppy job on editing festive stuff onto people's pfps

Are you going to spam ping Pedro

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Shit, right
@Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro @Pedro

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i’m totally gonna get flagged for this but i’m a man of my word

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It only pings once anyways.

absolute chad

@Pedro krima is calling

I refuse to put on a hat, I will make a funny krima pfp myself

aw, now i’m saaaad :c

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I am going to stuff you into a santa outfit

Dangit, can’t find the file for my pfp

mega-bump lol


You’ll never catch me alive!

I might as well use this image generally.

I got it from someone else. I don’t have a villain file so i’ve never seen these messages

Don’t remember who I got it from but it shouldn’t matter too much since it can appear for anyone really


it’ll be back soon don’t worry lich
just tired

Full of christmas cheer

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Legendary 3 year necrobump

Christmas lives on!

@LichdaDerp @bangers
hey dicknipples new festive thread dropped