Tavern's And Tavernkeepers (Tavern Respawn System)

Tavern's And Tavernkeepers (Tavern Respawn System) https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/original/3X/3/6/36ab94c5092d0b82546826a9030f9caa7debc8ec.png
effort 4.692307692307693 26 quality 4.88 25 reasonability 5.0 27

yeah basically better camps

This is great, could easily be integrated into the story / tutorial too, as you have to go to the tavern at redwake to advance the main storyline.


this suggestion has my utmost approval

Extra Idea :

Be able to sleep through the day at your room if its weather you don’t particularly like.
( Say, if I don’t want to sail through fog today. )

You don’t lose hunger as long as you’re “asleep”.

also vouch @Hat ‘s drink idea, i want to order a round of drinks for anyone in my party
i just resort to drinking flasks of cheap water breathin’ otherwise-

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cmon big boy vetex

Thanks for a mental image I shall keep to the grave


Yaaaadbackargmkuraege geaelkjaewmitnwatimmhbbbvshfjbnhjekfabobobobakfdhuekwhawlfubeh

if you could spawn when rejoin thats a good thing since I fucking hate spawning at ravenna, would rather spawn at palo

would be super cool if it saved across servers


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