Tester Tournament for AO in an Hour Livestream Discussion


Vetcord moment



Storm of arrows SUCKS why is the AoE so huge wtf?!?! Testers, please just stop saying “PrEsS g!111!” IT DOESNT DO ANYTHING! Vetex, nerf storm of arrows more bro! I dont wanna get onto AO and be SMITED

This image goes hard, feel free to screenshot

Bro had an anime power up moment

wait what was the timestamp of the execution?


Ngl from what I saw even with a nerf and my limited knowledge on how blinding might work, storm of arrows looks like it would be pretty pog on light as a get off me option

Doc wins tester tournament

nerf storm of arrows fr

I won the bet : D

would 140/100 be best for a weapon based conjuror?

click dash or magic jump or parry check, that shit is only op if you’re not playing around it.

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is that like a rare spell or something?

pretty sure its one of the skills for bow&arrow, it does like 500 damage if all of it hits and it has a fat ass hitbox on the ground

but like august said it can be played around, but if you’re caught lacking prepare to lose a third or quarter of your hp

I won’t lie my fit goes hard

Might have to go ice conjurer now :cold_face:

got my dono on the group image gg ez

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